Plain White Flour – All purpose flour – High in gluten
Milled with only the endosperm with bran or wheat germ is taken out
White flour is usually artificially whitened but you can buy an unbleached variety.
Self-raising flour – High in gluten
Already contains raising agents baking powder or bicarbonate of soda.
Remember you can simply make your plain flour self-raising by adding a teaspoon of baking powder to your flour.
Gluten flour – Vital Wheat Gluten – Very high Gluten – Highly elastic
Add to whole wheat grains and ‘alternative’ flour to increase strength and rising power of the dough.
Used to make meat alternatives like seitan
Semolina flour – High in gluten
coarsely-milled refined durum wheat used for pasta
Strong Flour – Bread Flour – Very high gluten
Used for bread making.
Whole Wheat – Wholemeal
Provides more fibre and other nutrients