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Different Kinds of Flours

Years ago there was only one option for flour but there are so many flours around these days but do you know the different kinds of flours. If you suffer from any gluten intolerance this will help.

White refined flour

White refined flour is a big part of most people’s lives but necessarily good for our bodies but there are healthier flour options that exist. Each flour has a different nutrition profile and used in different ways but many of the highly processed white flours have added vitamins to give some nutritional value.

To make healthier recipes that call for flour, choose whole-grain or other better-for-you products.

As the main ingredient in bread throughout the World, it is a sought-after ingredient so let’s look at the many options now available:

Wheat Flours

Plain White Flour – All purpose flour –  High in gluten

Milled with only the endosperm with bran or wheat germ is taken out

White flour is usually artificially whitened but you can buy an unbleached variety.

Self-raising flour – High in gluten

Already contains raising agents baking powder or bicarbonate of soda.

Remember you can simply make your plain flour self-raising by adding a teaspoon of baking powder to your flour.

Gluten flour – Vital Wheat GlutenVery high Gluten –  Highly elastic

Add to whole wheat grains and ‘alternative’ flour to increase strength and rising power of the dough.

Used to make meat alternatives like seitan

Semolina flour – High in gluten

coarsely-milled refined durum wheat used for pasta

Strong Flour – Bread Flour Very high gluten

Used for bread making.

Whole Wheat – Wholemeal

Provides more fibre and other nutrients

Non-Wheat  and Ancient Flours

There are many non-wheat and ancient grains available

Buckwheat flour
Spelt Flour
Rye Flour –  less gluten
Pumpernickel flour is dark rye flour
Einkorn Flour
Emmer Flour
Maize Flour
Millet Flour
Oat flour
Rice flour

Non-Wheat Flours / Gluten Free / Low Gluten Flour

Buckwheat flour – Made by grinding buckwheat groats, which are seeds, not grains, making it both gluten-free and grain-free

Rye flour  – darker, and denser than most other types of flour contains less gluten

Chickpea  / Gram  / Garbanzo Flour – bean-based high in protein gluten free flour

More Info About Flour

One Green Planet – Make Better Choices: Healthy Alternatives to White Flour

Food & Nutrition Magazine – Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics –Flour Power: Learn about Different Kinds of Flours

Dr. Axe. Food is Medicine – The Best Gluten-Free Flours

TheDiabetesCouncil.Com – 20 Healthy Flours from Lowest to Highest Carbohydrates

Louise Burton-Payne

Passionate about feeding my body a plant-based vegan food to benefit my health, save the planet and protect animals.

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