Katsu Sweet Potato Soup

Katsu Sweet Potato Soup
Yummy Vegan Sweeet potato and chickpea Katsu Soup
- Prep Time10 min
- Cook Time30 min
- Total Time40 min
- Course
- Soup
- Suitable for Diet
- x2 large onions
- Garlic
- 1KG Sweet Potatoes
- Chickpeas (optional)
- Brown Rice (optional)
- coconut milk
- Stock
- Coconut Aminos / soy sauce
Soup Spices
- Curry powder
- 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder (personal choice)
- x1 teaspoon Ginger
- x1 teaspoon Fenugreek
- x3 Table sppons Cumin
- x 1 teaspoon corriander
- x1 teaspoon Turmeric
- (star anise optional)
Preparing the spices
Chop onions and galic and fry in water.
Chop sweet potatoe and drop into the pan with the onions and garlic.
Add all the spices and coconut milk. Then add stock, aminos and chickpeas if you are including them.
Let it sit and simmer. Once cooked you can blend as much or as little as you prefer.
Serve with crunch bread, Naan bread, kallappam or appam.