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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is a method of timed eating to help improve health with a side effect of weight lose. Others see it as a easy weight loss as you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but in a specific time period. 

Fasting has been part of life throughout history for reasons like religion, cultural and spiritual.

The human race has been use to periods of enforced fasting being that we were hunter-gatherers. Food wasnt plentiful but only available when it was killed or gathered, so fasting was part of everyday life.

Intermittent Fasting Types

There are three main types of Intermittent fasting:

Alternate-Day Fasting – Fasting days during which zero calories are consumed with the the next day eating.
Modified Fasting – Limited food/energy consumed on regularly scheduled fasting days.
Time-restricted – Daily fasting intervals ranging from 12 to 21 hours.

Alternate-Day Fasting

Fasting every other day, eating nothing one day, and then whatever you want the next day.

Based around the hunter-gatherer ‘caveman’  idea that you feast and famine, so starving one day, then feasting the next.

Modified Fasting

Made famous  by the 5:2 Diet  where two days of the week you limits calorific intake to about 500 calories and moderate not feasting intake on the other days.

Time-Restricted Fasting

Time restricted fasting is where you have a daily fasting schedule.

The options for fasting are mainly what works for you choosing a specific time window in which you will consume food.

We are all different, some people prefer to eat in the morning, some in the evening. You can choose an 12 hour window where you eat or limit it down to as small as 4 hours. Play around with different time periods to see what works for you.

Time-restricted feeding researchers also discovered the importance of synchronising with  circadian rhythms which has an impact on metabolism across the day.

Intermittent Fasting Tips

Food Choices: Important to remember to nourish your body with nutrient-rich foods when you are in your eating window.

Times: Eliminating late-night eating and to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime.

Water: Keep hydrated

Sleep: Try to get 7 Hours Sleep

Sugar: Reduce Sugar Consumption

Overeating: Eating time doesn’t mean you should feast.

Most important listen to your body and understand the difference between needing to eat and wanting to eat.

Intermittent Fasting Research

Louise Burton-Payne

Passionate about feeding my body a plant-based vegan food to benefit my health, save the planet and protect animals.

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